Listen Then Act
Addressing the barriers and opportunities for Nebraska’s Women in STEM
About Nebraska Women in STEM:
The mission of Nebraska Women in STEM is to provide opportunities for Nebraska’s professional women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to develop professionally, make connections, and promote policies that increase the number of women in STEM.
To do this, we are working to:
- Address industry workforce shortages and diversity challenges by providing awareness and education and advocating for women in STEM
- Create more career and leadership opportunities for women in STEM by providing professional development opportunities
- Connect professional women in STEM through networking and mentorship opportunities

Whether you’re a woman in STEM looking to help lead this important effort, or an individual or organization looking to help reduce barriers and create opportunities for Nebraska’s women in STEM, sign up to volunteer today.

Listen Then Act/The Report:
To bring attention to and better understand the low number of women represented in STEM careers in Nebraska, Bio Nebraska and Nebraska Cures joined forces and recruited the Center for Public Affairs Research at the University of Nebraska at Omaha to conduct a study addressing the barriers and opportunities that women in STEM face.
Listen Then Act is a report that shares the key findings from 48 in-depth interviews with women across Nebraska who work in, promote, and support the STEM workforce. Furthermore, the report provides recommendations for action steps to recruit and retain women in professional STEM careers, as well as the advancement of women leaders in STEM.